Spin Matsuri Retreat

Spin Matsuri Retreat is on hiatus. Please join us for our other events.

Spin Matsuri Retreat is a luxury weekend of hoop, dance, flow, and movement workshops with international and local instructors. Suitable for beginners and pros, the workshops introduce you to new techniques and challenge you to reach new heights. Parties, breaks, meals and relaxation time give you a chance to meet people and reconnect with old friends.

Instructors at the 2009 & 2010 Retreats

Bunny Hoop Star, Beth Lavinder, Rainbow Michael, Caroleeena, the LaLa Sisters, Deanne Love, Tink in Tokyo, Ayumi Mitake, Yuta Poi, and more.

Comments from Spin Matsuri Participants

* It was fabulous. A very enjoyable event.
* I am still filled with a feeling of joy. It was an intense weekend physically and emotionally and I can hardly wait until next year.
* Awesome. Well organised, great teachers, good variety, great venue. I could go on and on…
* Amazing location, great international masters. Fun, exciting, inspirational.
* Great teachers, lovely people, good food and accommodation, did I leave anything out?
* I had a lovely relaxing time and my hooping is better too!
* Great! So much fun!
* Fun! Healthy! Dance! Good music! Good vibration! Intimacy! It was like traveling abroad….
* Well organized, extremely fun, appropriately paced, and delightfully challenging. I enjoyed every minute of it and would recommend Spin Matsuri highly to dancers looking to connect and improve their skills.

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